The Product Owner represents all Stakeholders toward the team. He prioritizes the functionality during the project by means of the Product Backlog, decides when Usable Increments go live, checks the coherence of the Usable Increments and accepts the incrementally evolving solution. |
Knowledge and skills: |
- Knowledge of the business, its stakeholders and stakes
- Ability to negotiate between stakeholders and to manage risks
- Strong communication skills
- Problem solving attitude
Tasks: |
Work Products: |
Product Backlog, Risk List, Release Burnup Chart |
Vision, Product Acceptance Plan, Business Object Model, Glossary, Use
Case Model, Software Development
Acceptance Findings, User Support Material
Definition of Done, Architectural Proof of Concept, Software Architecture Document, Navigation Map, Use Case Specification, Usable Increment |
More info: |
See Pichl2010 the book
Agile ProductManagement With Scrum - Creating Products That Customers Love by Roman Pichler |